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How to Start a No till Journey

Luke and Brian discuss their respective journeys in beginning no-till. Luke began with using cover crops and then sheep to manage the residue, while Brian went directly to no-till with support from an industry partner.
Soil Health

How to Incorporate Covers While Preserving Moisture

David Mabey, NRCS District Conservationist for Minidoka County, and Brian discuss using cover crops and conserving water. A common attitude in irrigated land like this is that planting cover crops will use more water.
Soil Health

How to Use Covers for Nematode Suppression

Luke discusses his experience with nematode suppression and nematode neutral crops. He uses commercially available mixes of oilseed radish, mustards, and other Brassicaceae to actively suppress the nematode populations on his operation.
Soil Health

How to Feed Livestock and Build Soil

Luke & Brian discuss how they incorporate livestock into their system. They own no livestock, but rely on neighbors to provide livestock―mainly sheep. The result is a mutually beneficial relationship between farmer and livestock producer.

How to Manage Risk and Social Pressure

Luke and Brian discuss managing social pressure when implementing soil health practices in an area unfamiliar with these ideas. Trucks still slow down to see newly planted no-till, but Brian has developed a thick skin.
Soil Health

How to See What's Possible with Soil Health

Rob Geisbrecht is a small grain farmer from Aberdeen, Idaho, who uses a 10-acre field as his test plot. It has not been tilled in 10 years and, after terminating alfalfa in the field a few years ago, he has experimented with cover crops.
Cover Crops

How to Overcome Social Pressure

Rob doesn’t encounter direct social pressure from neighbors, but they can see his failures. Neighbors cannot always see his successes like having 78 earthworms per cubic foot or that he raises 150 bushels of wheat on 10 inches of water.
Soil Health

How to Move Away from a Full Tillage Summer Fallow Small Grain System

Dan Lakey, Brett Torgensen, and Cameron Williams are all small grain farmers who have replaced more conventional practices with those of a soil health management system.
Soil Health

How to Add Diversity to Your System Despite Limited Markets

Soda Springs, Idaho, is a tough place for crop diversity. Traditionally, the rotation is small grain and summer/chem fallow. Dan talked to us about the challenge of building diversity on his farm. While finding a market for new cash crops.
Soil Health

How to Innovate with Intercropping

Brett and Dan discuss intercropping, including flax and chickpeas, flax and peas, and malt barely and peas. Hear their insights and experiences in intercropping, some practical tips, and why they were happy with the results.
Soil Health

How to take a Dirt Vacation!

One of the things that we often allude to but are not explicit about when we discuss soil health is quality of life. Brandon Allen, a farmer in Lewiston, in Utah’s Cache Valley, stopped tilling several years ago.
Soil Health

First Time Cover Croppers

Bryant and Margaret Harrison of Greenville County, SC first used cover crops hoping to control erosion... but they couldn't ignore the other benefits that came with it.
Cover 5
Soil Health

The Power of Cover Crops & Diversity

For those still farming conventionally, this bold approach would appear to be destined for failure. But two of our farmers, Bryant and Margaret Harrison of Greenville County, are experiencing just what we had in mind.
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Cover Crops

Weed Management & Reducing Erosion

Cover crops not only help build up organic matter in the soil, they also help with reducing weeds and increasing water infiltration!
Cover 5
Cover Crops

Rye into Non-GMO Corn

This initiative, which began last year, aims to enhance soil quality that has been left idle for some time. Bryant plans to experiment with different planting techniques, including using a coulter packer and a conventional grain drill.
Cover 5
Cover Crops

Cover Crops and Equipment

It's often thought that to add cover crops to an operation, a farmer needs fancy new equipment. In this video, Bryant Harrison shows us that that doesn't have to be the case!
Cover 5
Cover Crops

Cover Crops and Soil Moisture

Brian discusses the benefits of using cover crops in agriculture. He appreciates how cover crops maintain more consistent soil moisture levels, reducing the need to frequently combat weather elements and moisture evaporation from the soil.
Cover 5
Cover Crops

Cover Crops Gaining Popularity

"I've seen a lot more cover crops in the area than I've ever seen." Cover crops are a tool many farmers are turning to for it's laundry list of benefits.
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Cover Crops

First Time Cover Crop Experience

Restoring the land with cover crops one farm at a time!
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Cover Crops

Restoring the Soil through Cover Crops

we asked each farmer involved to show us their worst performing plot of land. What better way to display the power of soil health than through taking land no one wants and transforming it into land that consistently out-produces the rest?
Cover 5
Cover Crops

Using Cover Crops for Grazing

Don discusses using cover crops for grazing, adjusting strategies to support soil health and forage, emphasizing a shift towards organic practices and native plantings for sustainable land use.
Cover 5
Cover Crops
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